
Contract that when deployed sets all of it's voting power to the delegatee, only the Delegator Factory(TODO: Link) creator can use it. Uses Open Zeppelin Ownable Library.




As there are one Delegator per user that wants to engange in DAO politics you can see the list of deployed Delegators here (TBD)

Public Variables

address public immutable token;

Address of the staking governance token.

mapping(address => uint256) public stakerBalance;

Tracks the amount of staked tokens per user.

Read-Only Functions


function delegatee() external returns (address);

Returns the delegatee of this contract.

State-Changing Functions


constructor(address delegatee_, address token_);

Called once the contract it's deployed, delegates all it's power to delegatee_ and can't be changed later. Sets delegator factory as owner.


function stake(address staker_, uint256 amount_) external onlyOwner;

Increases the balance of the staker. Only DelegatorFactory which is the owner can call it. After the balance is updated the amount is transferred from the user to this contract using the DelegatorFactory stake (TODO: add link) function.


function removeStake(address staker_, uint256 amount_) external onlyOwner;

Decreases the balance of the staker. Only DelegatorFactory which is the owner can call it. After the balance is updated the amount is transferred back to the user from this contract.